Tuesday, December 16, 2014

HeRSToRy 021 Sarra Lev

    Sarra visited the Peace Camp as a member of the Great Peace March's Wild Wimmin for Peace band in the summer of 1986. She came to live at the Camp in the early winter of 1987 and over the next several years was an integral member of C.O.R.L., an affinity group researching the military's use of electromagnetic radiation against the Peace Camp.
CLIP 1: Ketchup soup
CLIP 2: Car tire sabotage?
Interview: Sarra Lev
Date: December 10, 2006
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Present: Estelle Coleman, hershe Michele Kramer, Sharon Gershoni

Sarra, third from left, at the Peace Camp, ca. 1987


  1. sarra,
    thanks for being my sponsor for peace and womyn loving womyn:) I can not thank you enough and try to pass on what was shared so freely with me. Love, trisha

    1. Trish! Thanks so much! It was so great to have you there! Loved hanging with you.
